
Our Certifications

We use our expertise as a driver for continual improvement. Our certified processes underpin the work the business undertakes to ensure our services meet or exceed the needs and expectations of our customers.

Money Penny LLC - Accounting Solutions for Businesses - Certifications Logo
Money Penny LLC - Accounting Solutions for Businesses - Certifications Logo

Special Projects - Hourly Rate

When you need a team of trained accountants for a short term special project. We provide a preparer with a four year accounting degree supervised by a full CA.

Recurring Work

This includes all aspects of bookkeeping and accounting outside of end of year Tax Return Preparation. Your preparer is supervised but a CA and we cross train all work so there are always three of our team members with in-depth knowledge of your needs on any given day. Team size and number of FTE is flexible to adjust for high season workloads.

FTE = up to 160 hours a month
½ FTE = up to 80 hours per month

  • Allocation
  • Reconciliation
  • Data Entry
  • App Syncing and Management
  • Accounts Payable
  • Sales Tax
  • Payroll
  • Conversion
  • Billing

Tax Preparation

Pricing based on type of return and number of source document pages.

  • 1040
  • Corporate
  • Trust
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Services Pricing

Get the most out of MoneyPenny with our affordable, straightforward pricing plans. Choose from three different packages that fit your budget and include everything you need to manage your business finances. Get started now and take control of your money today!

BOOKBOOKSpecial Projects - Hourly Rate
When you need a team of trained accountants for a short term special project. We provide a preparer with a four year accounting degree supervised by a full CA.
BOOKBOOKRecurring Work

This includes all aspects of bookkeeping and accounting outside of end of year Tax Return Preparation. Your preparer is supervised but a CA and we cross train all work so there are always three of our team members with in-depth knowledge of your needs on any given day. Team size and number of FTE is flexible to adjust for high season workloads.

FTE = up to 160 hours a month
½ FTE = up to 80 hours per month

  • Allocation
  • Reconciliation
  • Data Entry
  • App Syncing and Management
  • Accounts Payable
  • Sales Tax
  • Payroll
  • Conversion
  • Billing

Pricing based on type of return and number of source document pages.

  • 1040
  • Corporate
  • Trust

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